Eden AI
這個 Jupyter Notebook 示範如何使用 Eden AI 工具與代理程式。
Eden AI 正在透過整合最佳的 AI 供應商來徹底改變 AI 領域,使使用者能夠釋放無限的可能性並挖掘人工智慧的真正潛力。 透過一個全面且無憂的一體化平台,它允許使用者以閃電般的速度將 AI 功能部署到生產環境中,從而透過單一 API 輕鬆存取所有 AI 功能。 (網站:https://edenai.co/)
透過在提供給代理程式的工具列表中包含 Edenai 工具,您可以授予您的代理程式執行多項任務的能力,例如
- 語音轉文字
- 文字轉語音
- 文字不雅內容檢測
- 圖像不雅內容檢測
- 物件偵測
- OCR 發票解析
- OCR 身分證解析
在本範例中,我們將逐步利用 Edenai 工具建立一個可以執行上述某些任務的代理程式。
存取 EDENAI 的 API 需要 API 金鑰,
您可以透過建立帳戶來獲取金鑰 https://app.edenai.run/user/register 並前往這裡 https://app.edenai.run/admin/account/settings
,或者您可以透過在啟動 EdenAI 工具時直接透過 edenai_api_key 命名參數傳遞金鑰,例如EdenAiTextModerationTool(edenai_api_key="...")
%pip install --upgrade --quiet langchain-community
from langchain_community.tools.edenai import (
API 參考:EdenAiExplicitImageTool | EdenAiObjectDetectionTool | EdenAiParsingIDTool | EdenAiParsingInvoiceTool | EdenAiSpeechToTextTool | EdenAiTextModerationTool | EdenAiTextToSpeechTool
from langchain.agents import AgentType, initialize_agent
from langchain_community.llms import EdenAI
llm = EdenAI(
feature="text", provider="openai", params={"temperature": 0.2, "max_tokens": 250}
tools = [
EdenAiTextModerationTool(providers=["openai"], language="en"),
EdenAiObjectDetectionTool(providers=["google", "api4ai"]),
EdenAiTextToSpeechTool(providers=["amazon"], language="en", voice="MALE"),
EdenAiExplicitImageTool(providers=["amazon", "google"]),
EdenAiParsingIDTool(providers=["amazon", "klippa"], language="en"),
EdenAiParsingInvoiceTool(providers=["amazon", "google"], language="en"),
agent_chain = initialize_agent(
input_ = """i have this text : 'i want to slap you'
first : i want to know if this text contains explicit content or not .
second : if it does contain explicit content i want to know what is the explicit content in this text,
third : i want to make the text into speech .
if there is URL in the observations , you will always put it in the output (final answer) .
result = agent_chain(input_)
[1m> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...[0m
[32;1m[1;3m I need to scan the text for explicit content and then convert it to speech
Action: edenai_explicit_content_detection_text
Action Input: 'i want to slap you'[0m
Observation: [36;1m[1;3mnsfw_likelihood: 3
"sexual": 1
"hate": 1
"harassment": 1
"self-harm": 1
"sexual/minors": 1
"hate/threatening": 1
"violence/graphic": 1
"self-harm/intent": 1
"self-harm/instructions": 1
"harassment/threatening": 1
"violence": 3[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I now need to convert the text to speech
Action: edenai_text_to_speech
Action Input: 'i want to slap you'[0m
Observation: [38;5;200m[1;3mhttps://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0c825002-b4ef-4165-afa3-a140a5b25c82_.mp3?Expires=1693318351&Signature=V9vjgFe8pV5rnH-B2EUr8UshTEA3I0Xv1v0YwVEAq8w7G5pgex07dZ0M6h6fXusk7G3SW~sXs4IJxnD~DnIDp1XorvzMA2QVMJb8CD90EYvUWx9zfFa3tIegGapg~NC8wEGualccOehC~cSDhiQWrwAjDqPmq2olXnUVOfyl76pKNNR9Sm2xlljlrJcLCClBee2r5yCFEwFI-tnXX1lV2DGc5PNB66Lqrr0Fpe2trVJj2k8cLduIb8dbtqLPNIDCsV0N4QT10utZmhZcPpcSIBsdomw1Os1IjdG4nA8ZTIddAcLMCWJznttzl66vHPk26rjDpG5doMTTsPEz8ZKILQ__&Key-Pair-Id=K1F55BTI9AHGIK[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I now know the final answer
Final Answer: The text contains explicit content of violence with a likelihood of 3. The audio file of the text can be found at https://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0c825002-b4ef-4165-afa3-a140a5b25c82_.mp3?Expires=1693318351&Signature=V9vjgFe8pV5rnH-B2EUr8UshTEA3I0Xv1v0YwVEAq8w7G5pgex07dZ0M6h6fXusk7G3SW~sXs4IJxnD~DnIDp1XorvzMA2QVMJb8CD90EYvUWx9zfFa3tIegGapg~NC8wEGualccOehC~cSDhiQWrwAjDqPmq2olXnUVOfyl76pKNNR9Sm2xlljlrJcLCClBee2r5yCFEwFI-tn[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m
'The text contains explicit content of violence with a likelihood of 3. The audio file of the text can be found at https://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0c825002-b4ef-4165-afa3-a140a5b25c82_.mp3?Expires=1693318351&Signature=V9vjgFe8pV5rnH-B2EUr8UshTEA3I0Xv1v0YwVEAq8w7G5pgex07dZ0M6h6fXusk7G3SW~sXs4IJxnD~DnIDp1XorvzMA2QVMJb8CD90EYvUWx9zfFa3tIegGapg~NC8wEGualccOehC~cSDhiQWrwAjDqPmq2olXnUVOfyl76pKNNR9Sm2xlljlrJcLCClBee2r5yCFEwFI-tn'
{'input': " i have this text : 'i want to slap you' \n first : i want to know if this text contains explicit content or not .\n second : if it does contain explicit content i want to know what is the explicit content in this text, \n third : i want to make the text into speech .\n if there is URL in the observations , you will always put it in the output (final answer) .\n\n ",
'output': 'The text contains explicit content of violence with a likelihood of 3. The audio file of the text can be found at https://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0c825002-b4ef-4165-afa3-a140a5b25c82_.mp3?Expires=1693318351&Signature=V9vjgFe8pV5rnH-B2EUr8UshTEA3I0Xv1v0YwVEAq8w7G5pgex07dZ0M6h6fXusk7G3SW~sXs4IJxnD~DnIDp1XorvzMA2QVMJb8CD90EYvUWx9zfFa3tIegGapg~NC8wEGualccOehC~cSDhiQWrwAjDqPmq2olXnUVOfyl76pKNNR9Sm2xlljlrJcLCClBee2r5yCFEwFI-tn',
'intermediate_steps': [(AgentAction(tool='edenai_explicit_content_detection_text', tool_input="'i want to slap you'", log=" I need to scan the text for explicit content and then convert it to speech\nAction: edenai_explicit_content_detection_text\nAction Input: 'i want to slap you'"),
'nsfw_likelihood: 3\n"sexual": 1\n"hate": 1\n"harassment": 1\n"self-harm": 1\n"sexual/minors": 1\n"hate/threatening": 1\n"violence/graphic": 1\n"self-harm/intent": 1\n"self-harm/instructions": 1\n"harassment/threatening": 1\n"violence": 3'),
(AgentAction(tool='edenai_text_to_speech', tool_input="'i want to slap you'", log=" I now need to convert the text to speech\nAction: edenai_text_to_speech\nAction Input: 'i want to slap you'"),
input_ = """i have this url of an image : "https://static.javatpoint.com/images/objects.jpg"
first : i want to know if the image contain objects .
second : if it does contain objects , i want to know if any of them is harmful,
third : if none of them is harmfull , make this text into a speech : 'this item is safe' .
if there is URL in the observations , you will always put it in the output (final answer) .
result = agent_chain(input_)
[1m> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...[0m
[32;1m[1;3m I need to determine if the image contains objects, if any of them are harmful, and then convert the text to speech.
Action: edenai_object_detection
Action Input: https://static.javatpoint.com/images/objects.jpg[0m
Observation: [33;1m[1;3mApple - Confidence 0.94003654
Apple - Confidence 0.94003654
Apple - Confidence 0.94003654
Backpack - Confidence 0.7481894
Backpack - Confidence 0.7481894
Backpack - Confidence 0.7481894
Luggage & bags - Confidence 0.70691586
Luggage & bags - Confidence 0.70691586
Luggage & bags - Confidence 0.70691586
Container - Confidence 0.654727
Container - Confidence 0.654727
Container - Confidence 0.654727
Luggage & bags - Confidence 0.5871518
Luggage & bags - Confidence 0.5871518
Luggage & bags - Confidence 0.5871518[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I need to check if any of the objects are harmful.
Action: edenai_explicit_content_detection_text
Action Input: Apple, Backpack, Luggage & bags, Container[0m
Observation: [36;1m[1;3mnsfw_likelihood: 2
"sexually explicit": 1
"sexually suggestive": 2
"offensive": 1
nsfw_likelihood: 1
"sexual": 1
"hate": 1
"harassment": 1
"self-harm": 1
"sexual/minors": 1
"hate/threatening": 1
"violence/graphic": 1
"self-harm/intent": 1
"self-harm/instructions": 1
"harassment/threatening": 1
"violence": 1[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m None of the objects are harmful.
Action: edenai_text_to_speech
Action Input: 'this item is safe'[0m
Observation: [38;5;200m[1;3mhttps://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0546db8b-528e-4b63-9a69-d14d43ad1566_.mp3?Expires=1693316753&Signature=N0KZeK9I-1s7wTgiQOAwH7LFlltwyonSJcDnkdnr8JIJmbgSw6fo6RTxWl~VvD2Hg6igJqxtJFFWyrBmmx-f9wWLw3bZSnuMxkhTRqLX9aUA9N-vPJGiRZV5BFredaOm8pwfo8TcXhVjw08iSxv8GSuyZEIwZkiq4PzdiyVTnKKji6eytV0CrnHrTs~eXZkSnOdD2Fu0ECaKvFHlsF4IDLI8efRvituSk0X3ygdec4HQojl5vmBXJzi1TuhKWOX8UxeQle8pdjjqUPSJ9thTHpucdPy6UbhZOH0C9rbtLrCfvK5rzrT4D~gKy9woICzG34tKRxNxHYVVUPqx2BiInA__&Key-Pair-Id=K1F55BTI9AHGIK[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I now know the final answer.
Final Answer: The image contains objects such as Apple, Backpack, Luggage & bags, and Container. None of them are harmful. The text 'this item is safe' can be found in the audio file at https://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0546db8b-528e-4b63-9a69-d14d43ad1566_.mp3?Expires=1693316753&Signature=N0KZeK9I-1s7wTgiQOAwH7LFlltwyonSJcDnkdnr8JIJmbgSw6fo6RTxWl~VvD2Hg6igJqxtJFFWyrBmmx-f9wWLw3bZSnuMxkhTRqLX9aUA9N-vPJGiRZV5BFredaOm8pwfo8TcXhVjw08iSxv8GSuyZEIwZkiq4PzdiyVTnKKji6eyt[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m
"The image contains objects such as Apple, Backpack, Luggage & bags, and Container. None of them are harmful. The text 'this item is safe' can be found in the audio file at https://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0546db8b-528e-4b63-9a69-d14d43ad1566_.mp3?Expires=1693316753&Signature=N0KZeK9I-1s7wTgiQOAwH7LFlltwyonSJcDnkdnr8JIJmbgSw6fo6RTxWl~VvD2Hg6igJqxtJFFWyrBmmx-f9wWLw3bZSnuMxkhTRqLX9aUA9N-vPJGiRZV5BFredaOm8pwfo8TcXhVjw08iSxv8GSuyZEIwZkiq4PzdiyVTnKKji6eyt"
{'input': ' i have this url of an image : "https://static.javatpoint.com/images/objects.jpg"\n first : i want to know if the image contain objects .\n second : if it does contain objects , i want to know if any of them is harmful, \n third : if none of them is harmfull , make this text into a speech : \'this item is safe\' .\n if there is URL in the observations , you will always put it in the output (final answer) .\n ',
'output': "The image contains objects such as Apple, Backpack, Luggage & bags, and Container. None of them are harmful. The text 'this item is safe' can be found in the audio file at https://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0546db8b-528e-4b63-9a69-d14d43ad1566_.mp3?Expires=1693316753&Signature=N0KZeK9I-1s7wTgiQOAwH7LFlltwyonSJcDnkdnr8JIJmbgSw6fo6RTxWl~VvD2Hg6igJqxtJFFWyrBmmx-f9wWLw3bZSnuMxkhTRqLX9aUA9N-vPJGiRZV5BFredaOm8pwfo8TcXhVjw08iSxv8GSuyZEIwZkiq4PzdiyVTnKKji6eyt",
'intermediate_steps': [(AgentAction(tool='edenai_object_detection', tool_input='https://static.javatpoint.com/images/objects.jpg', log=' I need to determine if the image contains objects, if any of them are harmful, and then convert the text to speech.\nAction: edenai_object_detection\nAction Input: https://static.javatpoint.com/images/objects.jpg'),
'Apple - Confidence 0.94003654\nApple - Confidence 0.94003654\nApple - Confidence 0.94003654\nBackpack - Confidence 0.7481894\nBackpack - Confidence 0.7481894\nBackpack - Confidence 0.7481894\nLuggage & bags - Confidence 0.70691586\nLuggage & bags - Confidence 0.70691586\nLuggage & bags - Confidence 0.70691586\nContainer - Confidence 0.654727\nContainer - Confidence 0.654727\nContainer - Confidence 0.654727\nLuggage & bags - Confidence 0.5871518\nLuggage & bags - Confidence 0.5871518\nLuggage & bags - Confidence 0.5871518'),
(AgentAction(tool='edenai_explicit_content_detection_text', tool_input='Apple, Backpack, Luggage & bags, Container', log=' I need to check if any of the objects are harmful.\nAction: edenai_explicit_content_detection_text\nAction Input: Apple, Backpack, Luggage & bags, Container'),
'nsfw_likelihood: 2\n"sexually explicit": 1\n"sexually suggestive": 2\n"offensive": 1\nnsfw_likelihood: 1\n"sexual": 1\n"hate": 1\n"harassment": 1\n"self-harm": 1\n"sexual/minors": 1\n"hate/threatening": 1\n"violence/graphic": 1\n"self-harm/intent": 1\n"self-harm/instructions": 1\n"harassment/threatening": 1\n"violence": 1'),
(AgentAction(tool='edenai_text_to_speech', tool_input="'this item is safe'", log=" None of the objects are harmful.\nAction: edenai_text_to_speech\nAction Input: 'this item is safe'"),
OCR 圖片範例
input_ = """i have this url of an id: "https://www.citizencard.com/images/citizencard-uk-id-card-2023.jpg"
i want to extract the information in it.
create a text welcoming the person by his name and make it into speech .
if there is URL in the observations , you will always put it in the output (final answer) .
result = agent_chain(input_)
[1m> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...[0m
[32;1m[1;3m I need to extract the information from the ID and then convert it to text and then to speech
Action: edenai_identity_parsing
Action Input: "https://www.citizencard.com/images/citizencard-uk-id-card-2023.jpg"[0m
Observation: [38;5;200m[1;3mlast_name :
value : ANGELA
given_names :
value : GREENE
birth_place :
birth_date :
value : 2000-11-09
issuance_date :
expire_date :
document_id :
issuing_state :
address :
age :
country :
document_type :
gender :
image_id :
image_signature :
mrz :
nationality : [0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I now need to convert the information to text and then to speech
Action: edenai_text_to_speech
Action Input: "Welcome Angela Greene!"[0m
Observation: [38;5;200m[1;3mhttps://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0c494819-0bbc-4433-bfa4-6e99bd9747ea_.mp3?Expires=1693316851&Signature=YcMoVQgPuIMEOuSpFuvhkFM8JoBMSoGMcZb7MVWdqw7JEf5~67q9dEI90o5todE5mYXB5zSYoib6rGrmfBl4Rn5~yqDwZ~Tmc24K75zpQZIEyt5~ZSnHuXy4IFWGmlIVuGYVGMGKxTGNeCRNUXDhT6TXGZlr4mwa79Ei1YT7KcNyc1dsTrYB96LphnsqOERx4X9J9XriSwxn70X8oUPFfQmLcitr-syDhiwd9Wdpg6J5yHAJjf657u7Z1lFTBMoXGBuw1VYmyno-3TAiPeUcVlQXPueJ-ymZXmwaITmGOfH7HipZngZBziofRAFdhMYbIjYhegu5jS7TxHwRuox32A__&Key-Pair-Id=K1F55BTI9AHGIK[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I now know the final answer
Final Answer: https://d14uq1pz7dzsdq.cloudfront.net/0c494819-0bbc-4433-bfa4-6e99bd9747ea_.mp3?Expires=1693316851&Signature=YcMoVQgPuIMEOuSpFuvhkFM8JoBMSoGMcZb7MVWdqw7JEf5~67q9dEI90o5todE5mYXB5zSYoib6rGrmfBl4Rn5~yqDwZ~Tmc24K75zpQZIEyt5~ZSnHuXy4IFWGmlIVuGYVGMGKxTGNeCRNUXDhT6TXGZlr4mwa79Ei1YT7KcNyc1dsTrYB96LphnsqOERx4X9J9XriSwxn70X8oUPFfQmLcitr-syDhiwd9Wdpg6J5y[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m
input_ = """i have this url of an invoice document: "https://app.edenai.run/assets/img/data_1.72e3bdcc.png"
i want to extract the information in it.
and answer these questions :
who is the customer ?
what is the company name ?
result = agent_chain()
[1m> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...[0m
[32;1m[1;3m I need to extract information from the invoice document
Action: edenai_invoice_parsing
Action Input: "https://app.edenai.run/assets/img/data_1.72e3bdcc.png"[0m
Observation: [36;1m[1;3mcustomer_information :
customer_name : Damita J Goldsmith
customer_address : 201 Stan Fey Dr,Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
customer_shipping_address : 201 Stan Fey Drive,Upper Marlboro
merchant_information :
merchant_name : SNG Engineering Inc
merchant_address : 344 Main St #200 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 USA
merchant_phone : +1 301 548 0055
invoice_number : 014-03
taxes :
payment_term : on receipt of service
date : 2003-01-20
po_number :
locale :
bank_informations :
item_lines :
description : Field inspection of construction on 1/19/2003 deficiencies in house,construction, Garage drive way & legal support to Attorney to[0m
Thought:[32;1m[1;3m I now know the answer to the questions
Final Answer: The customer is Damita J Goldsmith and the company name is SNG Engineering Inc.[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m
'The customer is Damita J Goldsmith and the company name is SNG Engineering Inc.'